A high-speed train traveling through a tunnel experiences increased air resistance due to the confined space. This leads to higher energy consumption and higher operating costs for the train. To solve this problem, efficient aerodynamic designs and streamlined trains are required.
The aim of this project is to determine the air resistance of a high-speed train when travelling through a tunnel and to make recommendations on how this resistance can be minimized in order to reduce energy consumption and improve the efficiency of the train.

Solution approaches
- Changing the shape of the train nose to reduce drag and improve the energy efficiency of high-speed trains
- Determination of the dependencies of air resistance and flow velocity as a function of the draft velocity
- Introduction of safety measures for the exit of the train from the tunnel to reduce noise, excessive airflow and accidents
- Optimization of the tunnel geometry, resulting in a smoother train movement, lower air resistance and lower energy consumption
- Improved aerodynamic parameters that enable the train to reach higher speeds and reduce travel time