Lightweight construction in the Aviation-industry

For the aerospace industry, high-end materials such as aluminium and titanium alloys as well as carbon fibre-reinforced materials are essential for making aircraft and spacecraft lighter and improving their eco-balance, while holistic lightweight construction solutions and weight management contribute to risk avoidance and optimization.

For the aerospace industry, all aspects of lightweight construction are an essential component in the development of aircraft and spacecraft. High-end materials such as aluminum or titanium alloys and carbon fiber-reinforced materials are an important part of the lightweight construction strategy.

The industry is facing major challenges due to global crises (pandemic and climate change), with a holistic approach to lightweight construction making a key contribution to further improving the eco-balance of aircraft.

Future-oriented aircraft require further optimization of the lightweight construction strategy, including the structure and systems.

Mass analyses and optimizations using the latest methods and comprehensive weight management are important in order to identify development risks at an early stage and uncover holistic weight-saving potential.

Case studies

Results in the Aviation-industry
