Lighten Up! the 2022 Lightweight Conference

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Lighten Up!, News

LightenUp! has been postponed

We regret to inform you that due to factors beyond our control, our Lighten Up! online conference taking place on Friday 4 November, has unfortunately been postponed. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience that this may have caused.

The good news is however, that the event will return in early 2023! Our new date has yet to be confirmed, but we will keep you posted in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions concerning your ticket or talks, please reach out to us:

Contact Us

The Event

Welcome to Lighten Up! the 2022 Lightweight Conference.

TGM Lightweight Solutions have joined forces with the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS), and Netzwerk Leichtbau Metall Brandenburg to host this interactive, online event that will serve as a forum for manufacturing and engineering experts from across Europe, to discuss the latest innovations and technologies, and pressing issues facing the manufacturing industry when it comes to lightweighting and weight management.

We are building an impressive line-up of speakers and keynotes to deliver a stimulating blend of presentations and discussions and will offer ample opportunities for networking throughout the day.

Additionally, we will be hosting two in-person meetings in Glasgow (29th of November 2022), and Berlin (01st of December 2022). These will take place shortly after the online event for invited guests to continue focused discussions.

The program will include discussions around three main topics:

So, whether you are an engineer, designer, manager, or researcher from industries including Automotive, Aerospace, Rail, and Shipbuilding, this online space will be a great opportunity to exchange, gather new information, explore new technologies and solve problems, and together we can look for new ways to reduce resource usage, save weight and reduce energy consumption while maintaining structural properties.

Standard rate - £150 + VAT
Reserve your tickets Register with Eventbrite Register with NMIS

new approaches

Network across industries

Join us

to explore state-of-the-art approaches and to network across industries!

Lighten Up: The 2022 Lightweight Conference is:
  • more than a standard trade show
  • more than an online platform for webinars and
  • much more than just a company presentation
At Lighten Up! the 2022 Lightweight Conference, participants will have access to:
  • State-of-the-art information on
    • Lightweight Methodologies
    • Lightweight Technologies
    • Lightweight Processes
    • Tool-supported lightweight design
  • Extensive networking possibilities across industries, creating synergies. Yes, even online!
  • New insights and approaches that achieve results
  • Answers to YOUR questions regarding Lightweighting and weight management
  • Exchange with researchers from renowned universities and institutes
  • A combination of theoretical models and proven, practical approaches
  • PLUS exclusive access to recorded presentations and content after the conference*
Register now

Exchange with

Enhance your knowledge


At this interactive conference, you have the possibility to attend multiple types of presentations:

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Case studies with proven results

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Presentations on new approaches

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Expert panel discussions

We will gather similar thinking minds to analyze three main topics and discuss future trends:

Holistic Lightweighting

Analysis of weight-saving opportunities during the development phase including functional analysis and principles with the objective of weight and cost reduction

In this session, we will take a deep dive into the techniques used in analyzing structures, design, and system optimization.

  • Functional analysis and functional principles with the objective of weight and cost reduction
  • Mass forecast and weight targeting
  • Steering of lightweighting activities

Topology & topography optimization

Advanced topology and topography optimization with analysis of influencing parameter sensitivity

In this session we will discuss the exposure of load paths for homogenous material distribution in volume and sheet components including also anisotropic materials. Focus on stress and stiffness-driven structures to optimize displacement and stress objectives in small design spaces.

  • FEA as an advanced tool for lightweight design and validation approaches
  • Structural analysis of hybrid composite materials and sandwich materials

Materials Selection and Method of Manufacture Assessment

Material selection and optimization of the manufacturing process can have substantial benefit to material performance, functionality and durability

In this session, we will have a look at the methods used during early stage design that determine the material with the most optimal method of manufacture such as:

  • Sustainable composite materials
  • Formability and properties (strength, stiffness) of high strength alloys (Al, 3rd generation of steels) for automotive application
  • Life cycle assessment of the lightweight materials: resistance, resilience, recyclability
  • Manufacturing innovations for the BEV, disruptive manufacturing
  • The right material for the right place: hybridization between metallic and non-metallic structures and joining methods; development of the new hybrid metallic materials for lightweighting.
  • Low-temperature formability of hard to form alloys for aerospace application
  • Flexible tooling for low-volume production


Each participant can showcase their company's interest in lightweight topics in a brief introduction.

We will create multiple spaces for networking: Exchange with others from all industries on your thoughts, your questions and your successes within the realm of lightweight construction, weight management & lightweight design.

Why participate

Avoid the waiting list! Space is limited! This conference promises to be a rich and interactive event.

Implementing Lightweight Solutions into YOUR workplace, into YOUR agenda, or into YOUR processes has shown the potential to save your company multiple thousands of EUR in design, engineering, production, and maintenance, only to name a few of the positively affected areas.

You will

  • gain additional insight
  • enhance your knowledge and your skills
  • grow your network
  • discover new tools
  • and make your work more rewarding, more efficient, leading to better and faster results.
Register now

Speakers & Keynotes

Each participant can showcase their company's interest in lightweight topics in a brief introduction.

We will create multiple spaces for networking: Exchange with others from all industries on your thoughts, your questions and your successes within the realm of lightweight construction, weight management & lightweight design.

Ford Motor Company
& Composites UK

Alan Banks

Cost effective lightweighting in mass production

Brompton Bicycle

Matteo Massimi

Topology-agnostic material selection methodology for the design and manufacturing of a lightweight bicycle frame

Havel metal foam

Friedrich Schuller

Aluminum foam casings for future batteries

Vehicle Engineering

Carolin Bernhardt

Innovative lightweight solutions for rail vehicles
- A new lightweight roof -

Erbslöh Aluminum GmbH

Lothar Löchte

Range anxiety - no need for that! Effective thermal management

University of Genova, IIT, MIT

Flavia Libonati

What's the future of advanced lightweight structures?


Dr. Lars Molter

A holistic lightweight approach with FAUSST

Fraunhofer - Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technologies

Thomas Hipke

Topology optimization - a perfect tool for lightweight design

Register now


04.11.2022 ONLINE
The agenda of the conference will be available soon.

All times are UTC +1




Welcome to Lighten Up! 2022

TGM representative

Topic 1 - Holistic Lightweighting



Chris Greenough
- SDE Technology

The holistic lightweight approach with FAUSST

Dr. Lars Molter
- Hyconnect

Cost effective lightweighting in mass production

Alan Banks
- Ford

Aluminum foam casings for future batteries

Friedrich Schuller
- Havel Metal Foam

Followed by a live Q&A


Comfort break & Networking

Topic 2 - Topology & Topography



Chris Greenough
- SDE Technology

What's the future of advanced lightweight structures?

Flavia Libonati
- University of Genova

Topology optimization - a perfect tool for lightweight design

Thomas Hipke
- IWU Fraunhofer

Innovative lightweight solutions for rail vehicles - A new lightweight roof -

Carolin Bernhardt
- Hörmann Vehicle Engineering

Followed by a live Q&A


Lunch Break & Networking


Welcome back to our afternoon session

TGM representative

Topic 3 - Materials selection and method of manufacture assessment



Chris Greenough
- SDE Technology

Topology-agnostic material selection methodology for the design and manufacturing of a lightweight bicycle frame

Matteo Massimi
- Brompton Bicycle

Data-based modelling and structural optimization for lightweight components

Dr. Ing. Lars Ulke-Winter
- IAP Fraunhofer

Range anxiety - no need for that! Effective thermal management

Lothar Löchte
-Erbslöh Aluminum GmbH

Followed by live Q&A


Event reflection

NMIS representative


Final networking

We reserve the right to make further changes to the agenda at short notice.

Register now